Integration of health, nutrition, education departments for 0-19 age group along with ANC/PNC through well-established digital platform:
7MANTRA ensure to establish the monitoring system of Global Strategy in data collection, compilation, analysis, communication and use of data in policymaking, program monitoring in all three departments i.e., Health, ICDS and Education. The Health and other Data Collaborative strengthen vital statics and:
- Ensure every country has a regular programme of health surveys (family welfare and disease surveillance) on single platform according to SDG.
- Improve facility-based and name based information systems, including web-based systems of routine reporting, and feedback.
- Strengthen country capacities for analysis, communication and use of monitoring data; • Improve monitoring ofhealth system resources such as health workforce and access to health services, with a focus on RMNCAH.
- Enhance health-related SDGs monitoring and accountability in countries.