- Attendance of employee and beneficiary in Anganwadi, starting time can be monitor by this system.
- Malnutrition status with MAM, SAM and Grading of child can be done through 7MANTRA.
- Daily or weekly follow-up possible through tablet form of 7MANTRA.
- 7MANTRA can be useful in Nutrition rehabilitation centre (NRC) for regular monitoring of moderate and sever mal nourish children.
- Continuous follow-up and recording the follow-up status and tracking through SMS an phone reduce the drop out and risk of missing the services.
- Family health survey can be updated through AW users, members can be added or removed and transferred to other centres.
- According to malnutrition status, menu and quantity of food can be planned in AW (Angan Wadi) & Calculation of food to be served to individual child and total quantity to be provided to the AW children can be calculated by this system.
- Weekly food menu, recipes and nutrient values are also can be seen through 7MANTRA tablet.
- Food stock and Equipment and medicine stock can be also managed through this software.
- Low food stock alert can be generated to reduce the risk of stock out.